Case studies

Here are some examples of transformational grants I've helped national organizations with. Contact me today to explore how we can collaborate to enhance your services and help more people.

future leaders of public Health

Designed and closed an endowment grant that provided an Ivy League School with the ability to fund 10 full scholarships annually for international students who after graduation would return to their home countries to take leading positions in government and NGO’s.

High School Transformation

Established a private and corporation foundation relations program for a leading public high school transformation nonprofit that worked in 6 states. Grants provided the funds for school districts to implement the “small schools” high school model in low-income communities.

Next Generation of Medical Researchers

Conceived and implemented a multi-million dollar matching gift challenge campaign in partnership with a national foundation to inspire new donors to fund cutting edge research from newly minted PhD’s and Post Docs in neuromuscular diseases

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